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November 8, 2022


This past November, I packed my bags and left for vacation. It was great to be back in my homeland of Rijeka, Croatia. I couldn’t wait to spend time with my family and catch up with my niece; which is what I will be talking about in today’s blog post piece. The relationship between an aunt and her niece is unlike no other. It’s a beautiful bond formed through blood but kept together by love. It’s close and authentic and no matter what happens, their bond will always stay and remain forever.

Indy studies 4-5 days a week taking ballet and piano lessons and I, being a florist naturally love nature. I wanted to use my time wisely creating memories with her, so we decided on doing something that we could both enjoy together. I booked an hour portrait session with a lovely photographer couple and we headed to the mountains. Our session was originally booked in Uchka but we ended up rescheduling for a day with better weather. That Tuesday, the sun came out, and we rented a car and traveled to Brseč, Croatia. Atop a beautiful mountain, overlooking the Adriatic Sea, we greeted Iva and Pavle. It was one of those moments that I will remember forever. Indy was fearless. She sat atop the cliff, overlooking the water with a small church nearby. Iva and Pavle knew exactly which angles and shots to take and we also improvised. It was a great time!

A LETTER TO MY BEAUTIFUL NIECE "Dear sweet Indy, Sometimes you meet someone who changes your life. Someone who can make even your darkest days bright. They make you become a better person and force you to realize what matters most in this world. For me, that person is you. You are much more than red hair and a pretty face. You are talented, constant, and true. You have helped me become the person I am today—mature, loyal, devoted, an aunt, and I will always try to be a good role-model for you. I never want you to stop being you. I hope you spend the rest of your days laughing and dancing. There's so much goodness in your heart and I don't ever want you to stop sharing that with the world. Never forget who you are or where you come from and never lose sight of yourself. Continue chasing your dreams and stand up for what is true. Life is tough but the tough times will teach you. Boys may break your heart, you may disobey your parents, and friendships may fade—but as long as you have faith in God, His love for you will never change. Stay the strong, confidant, and fierce young woman you are. I hope to be a beacon of light in your life and I pray you continue to learn and grow alongside me. Thank you for making me a better person. I never want to be anything less to you. In an instant, you grew up right before my eyes and I am the luckiest of aunts to have you. I love you my sweet Indy. We may be miles and miles apart but I will always be here for you. Love, Tetka Loreta" TRANSLATED IN CROATIAN Prošlog studenog spakirla sam kofere i otišla na odmor. Bilo je sjajno vratiti se u moju domovinu Rijeku, Hrvatsku. Jedva sam čekala da provedem vrijeme sa svojom obitelji i da se družim sa svojom nećakinjom; o čemu ću govoriti u današnjem postu na blogu. Odnos između tetke i njezine nećakinje je drugačiji. To je prekrasna veza stvorena kroz krv, ali je zajedno održava ljubav. Blisko je i autentično i što god se dogodilo, njihova će veza uvijek ostati i ostati zauvijek.

Indy uči 4-5 dana u tjednu uzimajući satove baleta i klavira, a ja, budući da sam cvjećarka, prirodno volim prirodu. Želio sam mudro iskoristiti svoje vrijeme stvarajući uspomene s njom, pa smo odlučili raditi nešto u čemu bismo oboje mogli zajedno uživati. Rezervirao sam sat vremena snimanja portreta s ljupkim parom fotografa i uputili smo se u planine. Naš termin je prvotno bio rezerviran u Uchki, ali smo na kraju odgodili za dan s boljim vremenom. Tog utorka je izašlo sunce, a mi smo iznajmili auto i otputovali u Brseč, Hrvatska. Na vrhu prekrasne planine, s pogledom na Jadransko more, dočekali smo Ivu i Pavla kao stare prijatelje. Bio je to jedan od onih trenutaka koje ću zauvijek pamtiti. Indy je bila neustrašiva. Sjedila je na vrhu litice, s pogledom na vodu s malom crkvom u blizini. Iva i Pavle su točno znali koje kutove i kadrove snimati, a mi smo i improvizirali. Bilo je super vrijeme! PISMO MOJOJ LIJEPOJ NEĆANICI

"Draga slatka Indy, Ponekad upoznaš nekoga tko ti promijeni život. Nekoga tko ti može uljepšati i najmračnije dane. Oni te čine boljom osobom i tjeraju te da shvatiš što je najvažnije na ovom svijetu. Za mene, ta osoba si ti . Ti si puno više od crvene kose i lijepog lica. Ti si talentirana, stalna i iskrena. Pomogla si mi da postanem osoba kakva sam danas—zrela, odana, teta, i uvijek ću nastojati biti dobar uzor za tebe. Nikada ne želim da prestaneš biti ono što jesi. Nadam se da ćeš sve svoje dane provesti u smijehu i plesu. Toliko je dobrote u tvom srcu i ne želim da to ikada prestaneš dijeliti sa svijetom. Nikada ne zaboravi tko si ili odakle dolaziš i nikada ne gubi iz vida sebe. Nastavi loviti svoje snove i zauzmi se za ono što je istina. Život je težak, ali teška vremena će te naučiti. Momci ti mogu slomiti srce, možda nekad neces poslušati svoje roditelje i prijateljstva će izblijedjeti - ali dokle god imaš vjere u Boga, njegova ljubav prema tebi se nikad nece mijenjati. Ostani snažna, povjerljiva i žestoka mlada žena kakva jesi. Nadam se da ću biti svjetionik u tvom životu i molim se da nastavis učiti i rasti uz mene. Hvala ti što si me naučinila da budem bolja osoba. Nikada ti ne želim biti ništa manje. U trenu si odrasla pred mojim očima i ja sam najsretnija od svih teta što te imam. Volim te moja slatka Indy. Možda smo udaljeni miljama i miljama, ali ja ću uvijek biti tu za tebe.


Tetka Loreta"

specialty flowers and fillers that were utilized in these photoshoot arrangements were phalaenopsis orchids, succulents, crab apple, begonia rex, calandiva kalanchoe, anthurium, bunny tails, roses, persimmon, and black berries

I hope you enjoyed this photo shoot in Brsec, Croatia. Do you know Iva, Pavale, and Indy? Show them some love by giving this post a 'Heart' in the section below!


Photographer: Iva Znaor and Pavle Kaplanec @ Impala Studio | Floral Design: Loreta Daka | Location: Brsec, Croatia | Hair: Monica Frizerksi Studio | MUA: Maja Dukanovic @ Make Up Room - Instagram: @makeuproom_beauty | Ribbons: Jessica Angell @ EmmaLinh on Etsy


Loreta Daka Carrero is a premier wedding and event floral designer serving Connecticut, New York, and Coastal New England! She specializes in timeless and spiritually curated fine art floral designs for beautiful couples and extraordinary clients.


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